嘉楠官方提供了k230的debian和ubuntu镜像链接,但我尝试了 CanMV-K230_debian_sdcard_sdk_1.3.img.gz CanMV-K230_ubuntu_sdcard_1.3.img.gz 和 CanMV-K230_01studio_linux_v0.2_nncase_none.img.gz。系统均无法启动,可以提供一下在大核启动 linux 的方案吗?
I’m also looking to boot a debian or ubuntu (or opensuse) image on the big core. Is this possible? Does the microSD image have to be formatted a special way for this 01studio board (differently from Canaan Creative’s CanMV K230 board)? I tried following the instructions here:
… and a number of other attempts, but I was unable to get any Linux to boot.
Does the microSD image have to be formatted a special way for this 01studio board?
Yes, the partition of 01studio image is somewhat different from the CanMV K230 image. You can use fdisk -lu foo.img
to check it out. You need to follow the partition as it is.
I tried following the instructions here:
Remlab: Installing Debian on the K230-CanMV
I also tried this link and failed. I think it is due to the differences in inner hardware (such as the firmware image). The link from the Google drive only applies to CanMV K230, not 01studio version.
Is this possible?
You have two options to solve this problem:
Change your board to CanMV K230, since it is the mainstream, you’ll get more support from the forum.
Download k230-linux-sdk from GitHub - kendryte/k230_linux_sdk: K230 Linux SDK, follow the instructions to build a bootable image,
make CONF=k230_canmv_01studio_defconfig
I chose the first option and installed Debian successfully. I didn’t choose the second option because 01studio board doesn’t support ethernet, which is what I also need.
Thank you! I’ll try option #2 first, and try with a different board if that doesn’t work.
I gave up on building kendryte/k230_linux_sdk after many attempts. It would be hugely helpful if 01studio could make a Linux image for this board available for download.
You can download the Linux image of 01Studio from this link which has 01Studio in its name.I didn’t achieve the desired results, looking forward to your results.