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Note, attempting to resizing has a hidden catch…
The disk image from 01studio has both GPT and classic partition tables, and this can cause great confusion.

I did the following with the linux running in vmware, or cygwin under windows it changes to eg /dev/sdc because cygwin assigned sda and sdb to existing drives, whereas vmware left them as /dev/nvmw* or /dev/hd* for me… may be different for you … check for the partitions with the ‘p’ for print command… )

( A 3rd possibility would be to use the K230 itself, but its got too many problems to list here… eg the binaries for fdisk , and a usb drive mounted to store the filed that cant be kept of the sd card. )

This ASSUME /dev/sda is the target drive, completely unmounted.

mkdir /mnt/K230_FAT32
mkdir ~/K230_FAT32_files

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/K230_FAT32
cp prd /mnt/K230_FAT32/* ~/K230_FAT32_files/
umount /dev/sda3

( or " mount -o loop ~/archive/K230_FAT32 K230_FAT32 " if you have the image of the sda3 backed up with ‘dd’. eg dd if=/dev/sda3 of=~/archive/K230_FAT32 )

fdisk /dev/sda # defaults to GPT table
3 # grow partition 3 to max
w # writes the GPT and exits. or q to exit
q # if needed
fdisk /dev/sda # defaults to GPT table
M # switch to classic partition table
1 # grow partition 1 to max … NOTE YES, The classic partition table has this at location 1 !!! that is not a typo … I dont know if difference MUST be preserved. but it does no harm. (I dont know if itis hard coded to use /dev/sda1 or if that can change to any partition number ? 1 to 4 ? )
w # writes the classic partition table.
q # exit

mkfs.vfat /dev/sda3 (linux uses the gpt table, so partition 3. )

mkdir /mnt/sda3
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3

cp -prd ~/K230_FAT32_files/* /mnt/sda3 # copy the files back in !.

umount /mnt/sda3